Sarah Harvey Counselling
Emotional Abuse
“I’ve left an emotionally abusive relationship but I’m finding it hard to move forward?”
If you’re in or have left an emotionally abusive relationship you may have very confused feelings around your self-esteem, self-worth and self-confidence. The stress of living in an emotionally hostile environment can leave us with unresolved trauma around who we are and about the relationship we have left; leaving us feeling utterly depleted and fearful about what life will be like moving forward.
How can counselling help?
Counselling provides a space to be heard by someone who is trained to explore your trauma safely with you. It can be healing to speak with someone who has no agenda on your life other than to help you process the confusion you have endured in a toxic, manipulative or undermining relationship. Unfortunately, with abusive relationships, the difficulties can continue long after the relationship has ended, but healing is your road to discovery, recovery and empowerment.
What to do next
To start your healing journey with a counsellor who has personal and professional experience of overcoming relational trauma, book an initial consultation session today.

“With emotional abuse, the insults, insinuations, criticism, and accusations slowly eat away at the victim’s self-esteem until he or she is incapable of judging a situation realistically. He or she may begin to believe that there is something wrong with them or even fear they are losing their mind. They have become so beaten down emotionally that they blame themselves for the abuse.”
― Beverly Engel